Come share your memories and support the BTHS Football Team

Tech Football Team Awards Dinner
The Eighty-Second Annual Football Awards Dinner will be held at Sirico’s Caterers, 8017-23 13th Ave., Brooklyn, NY on Friday, January 10, 2025, at 6 PM sharp. Please join us as we honor the members of the 2024 Brooklyn Tech football team.
The luncheon cost per adult is $75. To purchase a ticket, please click on the link below or make your check payable to the Adam J. Cirillo Scholarship Fund. All proceeds from the event will support the scholarship fund and the football program.
Reservations will be taken on a first-come basis. Please purchase your ticket before December 10, 2024. If you prefer a special seating arrangement, you must reserve early and indicate your seating preference on the page where you purchase your ticket. When you arrive, come to the front desk to check in and to receive your table number.
At this time, we are also soliciting donations for the Adam J. Cirillo Scholarship Fund. As you know, this fund has aided many of our boys in their pursuit of a college education. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Donations may be made here online or included with your check for the dinner. If your company offers a matching gift program, we would be happy to supply any support information you may need to apply for matching funds.
We look forward to your joining us on January 10th to honor the 2024 Team as well as our Tech Engineers from past years. Please contact your teammates and come share the memories.
Friday January 10th, 2025
Sirico’s Caterers
8017-23 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11228
Event Details
6:00pm – Dinner
Pat Cuzzocrea
718 – 698 – 3947